Improving Client Access to Secure Information

Improving Client Access to Secure Information

How do we communicate with our clients? Are our methods of electronic communication safe and secure?  Are our clients able to conveniently access their information? Are we able to access important information and communications from our clients? At Raskob Kambourian the answer to these important questions is yes! Raskob Kambourian is always seeking ways to improve client/advisor communication. One way of improving client access to their accounts is through client portals. A portal is an electronic way to collect digital files, services, and information through the internet. Client portals provide a secure entry point that allows them to log into an area where they can view, download and upload private information.

Raskob Kambourian has two main client portals, Morningstar and Ultra Tax. Morningstar is a software program that enables advisors to do investment research and investment management of client portfolios. Clients can also access the Morningstar portal in order to view their investments and portfolios. The portal offers a secure way to upload information and provide the advisor and the client with financial statements and other important documents.

Ultra-Tax is our tax software program. Ultra-Tax has a client portal that allows our clients to upload tax documents conveniently and safely from their home. Clients fill out their tax organizer on the Ultra Tax portal and upload supporting tax documents, as well. The Ultra Tax portal allows Raskob Kambourian to receive tax documents in a secure manner and to keep all of these documents together and organized electronically. Clients can access and view their tax information from their home at any time.

Here at Raskob Kambourian we are dedicated to improving the communication between advisors and clients in a secure way. Call if you need assistance.

Raskob Kambourian Financial Advisors is an independent, fee-only comprehensive financial advisory firm registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  We offer expertise, competitive pricing, and personalized financial services to meet your “Life Planning” needs.